Dispo Donkey

Automatic Carrier Transport Schedule System 

Ever had a carrier company and never wanted to do the transport schedule including driving plans and math behind?


I’m inventing DispoDonkey, an automatic transport schedule tool for creating the needed transport plans based on your actual company situation. 

Project Peace Dove

Photostitching and Flightroute-calculator on HTML

One of my favourite projects and still in use by myself. The calculator’s algorithm are written in javascript and use the
Google-Maps-API. You can draw any quadratic shape you want and calculate the most efficient route for your drone to fly over. Moreover it calculates the exact GPS-Coordinates for your drone to take pictures, to get one big picture of your painted area in Google-Maps afterwards. 

Photostitching and Flightroute-calculator on HTML

One of my favourite projects and still in use by myself. The calculator’s algorithm are written in javascript and use the
Google-Maps-API. You can draw any quadratic shape you want and calculate the most efficient route for your drone to fly over. Moreover it calculates the exact GPS-Coordinates for your drone to take pictures, to get one big picture of your painted area in Google-Maps afterwards. 

Drone meets Google Maps

Peace Dove Victory is meant as a photostitching-Tool, which means you make one big picture of several smaller pictures. With this technique you are able to get amazing detaillled looks of landscapes when you are in the air.

But what if you needed to make a map from above?

When you are planning to get a big picture from above, you need to know where to take all the small pictures that you can stitch one fitting picture in the end. My algorithm therefore calculates the gps-coordinates and the needed height without zoom, which represent the center of each picture. You can download it, and pass it to your drone.

Let’s have a closer look

You see the GUI on the left side, which is split into three knobs and a parameter panel. Within the panel you can modify the resolution of your picture and declare a certain amount of overlap for each picture.

Drag & Drop and GUI

You can draw the wanted photo on Google Maps by clicking the first „photo-knob“ which is in the left upper corner. Afterwards you can drag and drop your photo-shape and move, turn and size it around.

Let’s have a closer look

You see the GUI on the left side, which is split into three knobs and a parameter panel. Within the panel you can modify the resolution of your picture and declare a certain amount of overlap for each picture.

Drag & Drop and GUI

You can draw the wanted photo on Google Maps by clicking the first „photo-knob“ which is in the left upper corner. Afterwards you can drag and drop your photo-shape and move, turn and size it around.

Drone meets Google Maps

Peace Dove Victory is meant as a photostitching-Tool, which means you make one big picture of several smaller pictures. With this technique you are able to get amazing detaillled looks of landscapes when you are in the air.

But what if you needed to make a map from above?

When you are planning to get a big picture from above, you need to know where to take all the small pictures that you can stitch one fitting picture in the end. My algorithm therefore calculates the gps-coordinates and the needed height without zoom, which represent the center of each picture. You can download it, and pass it to your drone.

Try it on your own

Event-App EVA

Interactive concerts using Android

If you ever wanted a „Minidisco“ on your smartphone, this is exactly what you are looking for. Built with Android Studio, this leightweight app contains everything you need for an interactive concert. Using the built-in sensor of your smartphone you get part of the concert instead just watching it. Remember using your lighter at the melodramatic songs at a concert? Or wishing you could have a little disco just at home? Well, before I get too much into talking, lets see my EVA introduction-video.

Interactive concerts using Android

If you ever wanted a „Minidisco“ on your smartphone, this is exactly what you are looking for. Built with Android Studio, this leightweight app contains everything you need for an interactive concert. Using the built-in sensor of your smartphone you get part of the concert instead just watching it. Remember using your lighter at the melodramatic songs at a concert? Or wishing you could have a little disco just at home? Well, before I get too much into talking, lets see my EVA introduction-video.

3 effects for best entertainment

EVA comes alobg with 3 effects:

  • The Beatblitz
  • The Painter
  • The Zipper

3 effects for best entertainment

EVA comes alobg with 3 effects:

  • The Beatblitz
  • The Painter
  • The Zipper

Reacting in realtime

All 3 of those run on realtime-input, meaning they work on the signals that come to you around, sonic and light and are not dependent on pre-analysing. For exapmle The Beatblitz analyses the incoming audio-inout and performs on it an Fast Fourier Transformation (FFT) to split the audio signals in frequency-bands (see picture). Afterwards the app is checking the differences of the bass-part for big differences within our time buffer. In the end, your camera-light always flashes when the drumer hits the basedrum.

Sensors * Android = Fireworks

Meanwhile The Zipper is an visual effect and running on the light- and position-sensors of your smartphone. Here the algorithm analyses the GPS-Position and comes into play if the same position is detected twice. So the algorithm mapped the behaviour of you waving your zipper to mathematical correlation. The Painter runs also on the lightsensors on the camera which are responsible for an appropriate lighting of your pics. If we get a certain difference here, the displays starts to flash. This effect only works with 23 smartphomes upwards. Each of the smartphones represents one pixel. Thinking of a 300 people counting crowd within a concert, you can have 17 x 17 pixels and draw anything you want into the crowd. Maybe you want the crowd to be your logo? You should give it a try!

Reacting in realtime

All 3 of those run on realtime-input, meaning they work on the signals that come to you around, sonic and light and are not dependent on pre-analysing. For exapmle The Beatblitz analyses the incoming audio-inout and performs on it an Fast Fourier Transformation (FFT) to split the audio signals in frequency-bands (see picture). Afterwards the app is checking the differences of the bass-part for big differences within our time buffer. In the end, your camera-light always flashes when the drumer hits the basedrum.

Sensors * Android = Fireworks

Meanwhile The Zipper is an visual effect and running on the light- and position-sensors of your smartphone. Here the algorithm analyses the GPS-Position and comes into play if the same position is detected twice. So the algorithm mapped the behaviour of you waving your zipper to mathematical correlation. The Painter runs also on the lightsensors on the camera which are responsible for an appropriate lighting of your pics. If we get a certain difference here, the displays starts to flash. This effect only works with 23 smartphomes upwards. Each of the smartphones represents one pixel. Thinking of a 300 people counting crowd within a concert, you can have 17 x 17 pixels and draw anything you want into the crowd. Maybe you want the crowd to be your logo? You should give it a try!

Selenium Driven Tests

Parallel testing through Threading

As many companies already use, I also test my applications with Selenium and Sikuli. Moreover I test not once, but trice parallel. Therefore I can ensure
to use our time sufficient and appropriate. Based on my own threading classes I can navigate through desktop and webapplications and accomplish to test on more than 20 Browser in parallel on an i7-desktop-core. 

Moreover it is possible to encapsulate your existing JUnit-functions to speed-up your testing environment. I pasted some of my code for you down below. Feel free to contact me and talk about your personal test case.

Parallel testing through Threading

As many companies already use, I also test my applications with Selenium and Sikuli. Moreover I test not once, but trice parallel. Therefore I can ensure
to use our time sufficient and appropriate. Based on my own threading classes I can navigate through desktop and webapplications and accomplish to test on more than 20 Browser in parallel on an i7-desktop-core. 

Moreover it is possible to encapsulate your existing JUnit-functions to speed-up your testing environment. I pasted some of my code for you down below. Feel free to contact me and talk about your personal test case.

Feel free to contact me and talk about your personal test case